The 3-step knowledge workflow in Heptabase

A new, powerful way of note-taking.

The 3-step knowledge workflow in Heptabase

這支五分鐘的影片展示了一種你從未見過的、強大的記筆記方式。這是我們團隊花了將近一年才發明出的一種知識工作流。如果你是 Heptabase 的用戶、或是對 Heptabase 感興趣,那麼這支影片絕對不能錯過。

This 5-min video has unveiled a new, powerful way of note-taking you've never seen before. It's a knowledge workflow that my team spent a year inventing. It's a must-watch if you're interested in or have been using Heptabase.